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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Are you treating the callings of your life like Esau? -- Obadiah

Esau is the one who was first given the chance of inheritance of great blessings, but he didn't care about that blessing and didn't take the necessary actions to protect that's entrusted in his hands. Although Jacob can be wrong in lots of things, he's faithful and passionate about the callings and blessings of the Lord.
We're all given the mustard seed, the faith and the callings for our lives. Do we allow that seed to grow or do we allow other seeds to overgrow it? Are we passionate and faithful to our callings in life or are we lookwarm toward them? Are we gonna defend them at whatever the price it takes or just allow them to be cheated away or talked out of?
Do we hold grudges against people that are fulfilling God's calling and promises?
How terrible it is to build our lives against God's calling and foundation:
"Though you build high like the eagle, though you set your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down" declares the Lord. (V4)