Rise and shine --Isaiah 60,61
Isa 60 is such a glorious chapter. To have God be our glory is worth every bit of pain. What else can compare to the glory that God chooses to give to His beloved? What else can you desire more in your life than His favor? It's all in the salvation. v16 "Then you will know that I the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob."
Isa59:20"A Redeemer will come to Zion, And to those who turn from transgression in Jacob"
Often we neglect and undervalue the full content of salvation. Isa 60 calls us to arise, and see, "and your heart will thrill and rejoice"(v5). We often take salvation for granted. But when we read what's involved in this chapter, it's so unreal. How awesome it is to have God's favor in our lives!
Isa 60 and 61 has been the most two exciting chapters for me. Robert Fergusson is teaching a series with the topic "The ladder." For me, Isa60 describes the top of the ladder, and Isa61 explains the bottom of the ladder.
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