Zion, Jeruselem, Cannan, Contrite --Isaiah 66
Isa 66 speaks to me of "this one thing I do", the calling, the destiny.
v2"but to this one I will look, To him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word."
Contrite means broken, crushed, bruised. Like a gold when first found in the wilderness, it's combined with other goldlike stuff. And by burning, these other stuff will not stand the trial and come off, and it will become pure gold. This process is a "contrite" process, of purification. God puts a stumbling stone along the way to seperate the spirit and the flesh.
V3 "as they have chosen their own ways"
If you haven't found the calling of God, "this one thing" that you're born for, then on the outside you might be achieving and making sacrifices, but it won't be pleasant in the Lord's eyes. And in the end the achievement might be like the city of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Zion speaks to me of faith, callings, God's promise, mustard seed, stronghold(God's stronghold which are to be enlarged and strengthened).
Jeruselem speaks to me of our destiny, God's fulfilled promise.
Zion will proceed and progressed and grow into Jeruselem.
Cannan Land refers to Isa 60 to me, while Jeruselem speaks Isa 61 to me. Cannan land is for ourselves, our wholeness, our prosperity, our blessings, Jeruselem is our blessings to the nations, what the nations can experience through the ministry that God has put in our hands.
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