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Thursday, September 30, 2004

Adam city - Joshua 3

Trying to think about significance of the city of Adam......
A piece of gold when found in the field, it's not pure gold. First, it has to get rid of the mud, which is outside sin, then comes the hard part, that's the seperation of the fine gold and gold like stuff, like copper,etc. These other stuff that mixed tightly with gold speaks of our natural goodness of soul, our own good wishes and our natural strength to do good. To seperate these stuff it needs a fire. true gold will stand the fire, but other stuff won't, they'll last for a while, but eventually they'll melt and be exposed and fall apart. When God calls us to do something, it's never meant for us to do it in natural strength, it's got to be a supernatural thing. We all go through these three phases, like Moses, first trying out in his natural strength but failed quickly, and then was led to the desert to experience the fire. and when he came out of the desert, he's ready for the supernatural. Fire comes from God. Or, God uses our enemies to be the fire. In Joshua 3, the water speaks of opposition, it's a fire that comes against our natural strength. Adam city speaks of combined first stage person, like Moses before entering the desert. Adam has sin. Up until now, the Israelites have been experiencing fire -- the opposition coming from God. But now, it is a new day for them. God's trial is done. The copper's gone, there's no more need for fire. The gold is ready for it's true value. Their opposition is no longer from God, but it's going to be from the enemy. And God is calling them to enter into the true battle. And when they obey and step out purely in faith, God stopped His opposition due to our sinful natural that comes from Adam. Now God is all for us, and there's no enemy that can stand.