Isaac and his wells -Gen26
Although Isaac had the promise and command from the Lord to sojourn in the land(v3), the journey he had toward this calling was not easy.
First, the inherited wells were "stopped up by filling them with earth(v15)", then there was contention, then there was enmity. Finally he was able to make peace with Abimelech and settled in that place.
The Lord was with him all the time, because every time he dug a well there was living water. But the journey to actually possess that blessing was quite a battle. This was Isaac's faith journey, just like Abraham's faith journey of having a child.
Well seems to be used as supplying waters. When we're thirsty in the spirit, we try to find water. So it's kind of like annointing, fellowship with God, or where you can feel God's presence? You can find God's presence and annointing in the things He promised, called. When you're following His will and way you'd find His presence, and that's like finding a thirst quenching water supply. The well could be in church, in devotions, in the businesses,etc.
If we're seeking God's presence then we're digging a well, sometimes we find called to do something, then some other people will come in and deny them or give us doubt, or battle with us...I guess anyone can dig a well, if you can find water flowing, you know God's with you in the things you do.
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