Signs and leaven --Matthew 16
Matt16:1When the Pharisees and Sadducees came up, and testing Jesus, they asked Him to show them a sign from heaven
v4 Sign of Jonah
Test means to ask God to do our will. We give God a task and see if He can do it.
When Jonah heard the will of God in his life, he didn't obey, but ran away from it. So the sign from heaven to Jonah when he's in rebellion is the darkness in the fish belly.
When we run away from God's will and do our own will and still ask God to bless our own will, the sign is darkness and silence in our lives.
Leaven in Luke12:1 is hyprocrisy. in Matt 16:12 is the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
To me bread means the power(teachings, love,etc) of God, and leaven means the power(teachings, endeavours,passions,etc) of man.
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